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Yoni Shakti

By Uma Dinsmore-Tuli PhD


To continue adding to the female empowerment resources, this week I'm highlighting "Yoni Shakti" by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. I first learned about this book from a friend who was incorporating yoga into her physical therapy for pelvic health practice. She also trained with Uma and I personally witnessed my friend's blossoming as her practice deepened with Uma as her guide.

I personally love the practices offered in this book, in addition to the perspectives shared on femininity and empowerment through personal awareness. It so easily spoke to my heart and helped me feel supported and seen, which is an amazingly potent part of any healing journey.

Uma speaks so eloquently, and with such gentle power, about female cycles, and about connection with the self as a path to stepping into your own power, rather than following a prescription set out by others. I love that she encourages self exploration. Your answer will be different than mine. Your life is then a beautiful manifestation of your deepest knowing. I honor you.

"All that is required for the female siddhis to confer their power is to pay attention: to notice that these siddhis arise naturally, to bring consciousness to these experiences. Paying close attention to these experiences feeds the power of the wild yogini within, and nourishes the global empowerment of women."

This book can be purchased on Amazon.

Or check out Uma's website:

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