Curable App, Curable Groups

My training in the mind body practices I learned through yoga therapy and in the western model I studied in my masters degree intersected at Curable, and a physician I met practicing in Chicago, Dr. John Stracks. Dr. Stracks and I connected through a mutual training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and clearly shared a passion for applying mind body approaches to chronic disease. He had been working with Curable for some time, and introduced me to their work.
Curable began as an app, developed by former pain sufferers, physicians, and pain experts. The app itself offers education, shares stories, and also provides practice ideas for exploring mind body contributors to persistent pain. I especially love the lightning bolt feature for when you are needing immediate help for more acute pain episodes. The app can be accessed on your computer or on your mobile device, which makes it an amazing resource no matter where you are.
In addition to the app, Curable also offers Curable Groups, a 12-week program that offers paced education and live group meetings to offer support and a safe space for exploring how mind body contributors have influenced your pain. In my work educating around pain, I have personally seen the power of education, which Curable does so well, but also the capacity for healing that connecting with others offers. The cost for this program is not minimal, and it most definitely requires dedication of effort and time, but if you're ready to get serious about your healing journey and this format calls to you, I can't recommend it enough. If you have questions about this program, please feel free to reach out to me!
And last but not least, Curable also offers a podcast.
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