"I don't have back pain anymore"- How Mind Body Approaches Heal Chronic Back Pain
The Boulder Back Pain study took the mind body medicine world out of the closet and into the world of our evidence based colleagues when...
There's so much support out there, and sometimes that comes in the form of a resource that speaks right to your experience and to your heart and fuels your continued efforts. Some of my favorites are listed below.
"I don't have back pain anymore"- How Mind Body Approaches Heal Chronic Back Pain
Tara Brach
Women Who Run with the Wolves
Overcoming Trauma through Yoga
Yoni Shakti
Yoga & Fibromyalgia
Pain Scientists ROCK
Unlearn Your Pain
Vincent Van Gogh and the breath
The Breathing Book
Pain is Really Strange
Yoga and Science in Pain Care
Freedom from Pain
Guided Meditations by Dr. Kristin Neff
Dr. Kristin Neff & The Magic of Self Compassion
Explain Pain Supercharged