by Maggie Phillips PHD and Peter Levine PHD

Peter Levine is a true pioneer in the field of trauma and is the creator of Somatic Experiencing, a type of body based psychotherapy many of my colleagues practice. In this book, he and Maggie Phillips address the role unresolved emotional trauma held within the body plays in the persistence of pain.
Emotions are often a somewhat daunting topic to approach for many people. I especially like this book because, for me, it brings a sense of simplicity to emotions by guiding our attention to the way they are experienced in the body. The authors teach us how to observe with curiosity, how to reinhabit the body, and how to interrupt unconscious responses to threat.
I especially like how this book incorporates TONS of practices to explore and includes a CD with those practices recorded for ease of use. It is an amazing resource!
If you're interested in exploring the emotional components that could be contributing to your individual experience, this is a great book for you! It's so practical, addresses big topics, and makes them approachable. I highly recommend.
You can learn more or purchase the book on Amazon.